Arnold is Committed to WHSEQ

Our philosophy is to ensure that our work is undertaken safely, with a high level of integrity and quality. We aim to lead the way in workplace health and safety in the electrical industry, applying quality and safety standards that have long been established to protect our clients, contractors, employees and members of the public.
Health and Safety

We take safety seriously, both on and off the work site. Our team is up to date on safety compliance and when working, adhere to the requirements of ISO 45001 which covers the business activities we participate in.


Environment management should be the fundamental aspect of any sound business foundation and at Arnold we’re committed to focussing on protecting the environment and considering our how products or services may affect our local environment, as well as the more remote environments we work in.

To ensure our team are on board and are aware of their environmental impact, we established objects and targets to protect our natural resources and to help prevent any impacts that our products or services may have on the environments we are working in.


We believe quality isn’t just the responsibility of management – it is the responsibility of the entire Arnold team. We aim to maintain the highest level of quality and reliability across our work sites and in our work and have adopted ISO 9001 quality standard as the basis for our quality system.

Our objectives and targets are clearly defined to our team within our Integrated Management System and are continually being reviewed to ensure we are meeting, and exceeding, our targets.

Suppliers and Contractors

As an industry leader and responsible business Arnold is firmly committed to conducting its business with the highest level of integrity and in compliance with legislative requirements and international agreements.